Students who lapsed into ‘Inactive’ status for a period of three (3) months or more up to the current year and wish to continue their studies are requested to email for intent to re-entry with the following information: Name, Date of Registration, Course Registered, Student ID no., Name of Instructor and reason for lapse, and attach any proof of payment or registration note.
The registrar may ask other documentation aside from above if applicable and provide a quote with the re-registration form.
A re-registration fee of $200 and as well as any course cost differential from the date of registration to the re-registration date may be charged. Though, you will need to check the Student Handbook for details on re-registration fees.
Fill-out the re-registration form and submit it to the registrar with payment for processing. Payment can be done through credit card, check if you are in USA, Transferwise, Paypal, or wire transfer.
The registrar will send the student a welcome letter with Student ID No., personal instructor, mandatory completion date and course information.