BIH offers payment options and methods to pay your tuition costs.
Course prices do not include registration fee and other fees.
Payment Plans
Allows a student to make up to ten regularly scheduled monthly payments or based on the affordable budget student may request for considerations. Payment plans are not applicable to courses with prices lower than $1200.
Payment Method
Payment can be done through credit card for local and international payments; wire transfer, Paypal, or Transferwise for international payments; and checks can be made if you are from US.
Deliquent/Past Due Accounts
BIH will notify the student by email for a monthly due payment reminder three (3) days after non-receipt of the payment in due date. A late payment fee shall be applied. Payment not received after six (6) months will be subject to collection activity.
All refund requests must be submitted in writing with a detailed explanation of the reason for withdrawal from the course and is subject for review and assessment. The written notice must be submitted within five (5) days of the date on the signed registration agreement. See Student Handbook on Refund Policy.
Financial Responsibility Agreement
All students are required to accept the Institute Financial Responsibility Agreement prior to or upon enrollment. The agreement outlines the financial terms and conditions associated with courses enrollment.
If you fall into Inactive or on leave of absence, you will remain financially responsible for all tuition and fee charges.